Monday, 1 December 2014

Bustards and Biliburning Rock

A couple of weeks back, I joined a group of intrepid birders from the WA Birds FaceBook group on a trip up to Biliburning Rock. Our mission was to find Bustards on a farm near the rock.

Biliburning Rock is about four hours north east of Perth near the little town of Beacon and is like a miniature Uluru. After setting up camp, we took a walk around the rock and saw Mulga Parrots, a Rufous Songlark, Zebra Finches, Southern Whitefaces, Chestnut-rumped Thornbills and Redthroats as well as a sizeable flock of Red-tailed Black Cockatoos.

A drive around the farm later in the afternoon revealed a number of Banded Lapwings but no Bustards. The next morning, however, was a different story. We saw four of these beautiful, stately birds. There was also a surprise visit to a neighbouring farm to see a Bush Stone-curlew that walked into the yard one day and never left.

Secret puddles, delicious deserts, plenty of flies, a cool night and great company all added to the excellent weekend of birding.

Bush Stone-curlew


Aggressive stance

Mulga Parrots


Chestnut-rumped Thornbill

Farm machinery

Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters


Zebra Finches

Red-capped Robin

Rufous Songlark

Brown Falcon and pet spider

Southern Whiteface

Welcome Swallows



  1. Hi Jenny, thanks for great read. I came across your site googling Biliburning Rock, I am planning on heading up there at some point, do you have details on the farm for the Bustards? Any help appreciated. Thanks Andrew

  2. Just updated my profile so not showing as unknown!

    1. Hi Andrew, the farm is owned by the Hucksteps so you could try to contact them. I don't have their details but you could try looking them up.
